What is Stewardship?
"Stewardship" is just another word for "giving." Since God has been so generous with us, we can express our gratitude to Him by being generous with our money, our time, our prayers, and our good works.
Throughout the year, the parish and the Archdiocese host various pledge campaigns, including:
What's the difference?
Many parishioners inquire about the differences between Parish Stewardship and the Annual Catholic Appeal. Here is a quick breakdown:
Catholics across Western Washington support the Archdiocesan campaign
Occurs in the Spring of each year
Pledge to the Archdiocese (May - April)
Donations processed through the Archdiocese
Archdiocese sends monthly reminders
Tax statement provided by the Archdiocese
Supports over 60 ministries throughout Western Washington including:
Catholic Community Services
Catholic schools department
College campus ministry services
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)
Seminarian and Deacon candidate services
Priests' retirement
St. Nicholas parishioners support the Annual Parish campaign
Occurs in the Fall of each year
Pledge to the Parish (January - December)
Donations processed through the Parish
Parish sends bi-monthly envelopes
Tax statement provided by the parish office
Supports the ministries and good works of our parish community including:
St. Nicholas Catholic School
Sacramental preparation
Faith formation classes
Building maintenance
Pastor and parish staff
Other parish ministries and programs
“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”