Our parish hosts Adoration every Thursday after the 9:00 AM mass, from 9:30 AM - 12 PM, concluding with Benediction at 12 PM. Discover the immeasurable graces that come from spending quiet time with Our Lord in silent Adoration. We will gradually be increasing the hours until Adoration is occurring all day on Thursdays. If you are interested in signing up for a weekly slot please email Christopher.
That Man is YOu
“That Man Is You” is a program designed specifically for Catholic men. It addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as adults, husbands, and as fathers. The program consists of 13 sessions in the fall and another 13 sessions in the spring. St. Nicholas Parish will be hosting the program each Saturday morning at 7 am starting with breakfast, followed by a 30-minute video presentation from the “That Man is You” series, and it will conclude with 30 minutes of small group discussion.
The whole program is 90-minutes, and it is timed to allow you to come and participate in the early morning, so you still have the remainder of your Saturday for your family obligations.
Our first Saturday breakfast meeting will be on September 14th. All men of the parish who are at least 18 years old are invited to attend, including college-age men, fathers of young children, fathers of teenagers, fathers of grown children, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers.
Pray & Stay Women’s Ministry
Pray & Stay helps women grow in holiness day after day, that is learning how to be a reflection of the heart of Christ by becoming the Heart to our families and to our parish. We do this through receiving the Sacraments, reading scripture and studying church teaching, and by serving each other through friendship and the gift of our time and talents.
Fellowship Thursdays @ 10-11:30 AM, Old Church
Erin Young
Every morning, we begin our day at St. Nicholas by honoring our Blessed Mother and meditating on the life of her Son in the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Join us to ask for her powerful intercession!
Daily Rosary: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM
15 Decade Rosary: First Sunday of the month, 2:45 PM
Women’s Charismatic Prayer Group
We are a women’s intercessory prayer group that strives for spiritual holiness. We love to sing and praise the Lord for His love and faithfulness. We also provide prayer through our church prayer chain. We believe in the power of prayer and consider it a privilege to pray for our church family, priests, our community, and whatever needs are given to us from the prayer box in the back of the church.
Tuesdays, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Old Church
Paula Silk
(760) 533-8358
Please join us for Bible study!
Every Monday, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM; Coffee with Deacon along with Reflections, Parish Hall
Friday Summer Schedule: June 28, July 26, August 30, 9:45 AM - 11:30 AM, Old Church (Back to every Friday starting September)
Deacon Mikhail
(253) 851-8850
Spiritual Direction
“Spiritual direction is a continuous process of formation and guidance, in which a Christian is led and encouraged in his special vocation, so that by faithful correspondence to the graces of the Holy Spirit he may attain to the particular end of his vocation and to union with God” - Thomas Merton
Saint Nicholas's team of trained Spiritual Directors accompany individuals at every stage of the spiritual life. They can help discern the voice of the Lord and where He is calling. Spiritual direction is for anyone and everyone hoping to grow their spiritual lives. If you are interested in meeting with one of our directors please reach out to us!
Salia Ricciardelli -
Deacon Mikhail Alnajjar -
Hearts Afire
The Hearts Afire group is a bold and fresh approach to a small-group faith renewal program. It’s designed to set our hearts on fire with love of God and neighbor. We have studied a variety of programs, such as 33 days to Morning Glory and Devine Mercy: the Second Greatest Story Ever Told. Pease join us!
Mondays, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM, Old Church
Wednesdays, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM, Parish Hall Room 2 or 3
Katy Tyree
(425) 985-1806
The Widow/Widowers Forward (WWF) group brings together those who have suffered the death of a spouse. We meet for mutual support, to share our experiences, and exchange ideas and strategies to help navigate this new chapter in our lives. We offer comfort and companionship while seeking God’s will, purpose, and direction for our new beginning. Our gatherings begin with a prayer then lunch and conversation finishing with small group discussion to help us grow spiritually and cement friendships. We meet every 3rd Saturday, 12:30PM, at the Parish Hall.
Cynthia Brookbank
Judy Durand
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”