PREPARES is an Initiative of the Catholic Bishops of Washington state, and a life affirming ministry that focuses on serving mothers, fathers, and their children up to the age of 5. Through a collaborative network of volunteers, we address essential needs and develop supportive, nurturing relationships that walk the journey with families.
If you feel compelled to volunteer to help families in your community, please contact Lara Durand-Gordon.
Lara Durand-Gordon
stitch and sew
“Stitch and Sew” produces blankets, quilts, and throws to support and serve our parish programs, and the needs of our community. We meet once a month, FIRST THURSDAYS, from 12:30 PM – 2:30 pm in the Old Church. Lunch will be provided in the first hour of the meeting. Please bring hand sewing (For example, a quilt with a binding to hand-sew and complete), knitting or crocheting project materials to work on during meeting time. Join us for service, fellowship, and fun, and thank you for your generous donations!
For more information contact Helen Hein
(253) 820-7353
JeanNie Kares
Casseroles for Nativity House.
How would you like to make a casserole and make a difference in someone life? All you need to do is pick up a casserole pan (from the Parish Office or after Mass, please check the bulletin), cook & freeze your favorite one dish meal and return it to the church. We will deliver your casserole to the Nativity House where they will feed hungry souls. Through your generosity and kindness our monthly casserole drives from St. Nicholas Parishioners have proved 1,000’s of hot meal for the homeless Thank you and God Bless!
For more information, contact
The St. Nicholas Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to feeding, clothing, and healing those in our community who have nowhere else to turn for help. Our services include:
Parish food pantry
Assistance with rent, utilities, furniture, emergency shelter
Christmas Giving Tree
Physical and spiritual support
St. Vincent de Paul Helpline
(253) 851-0554
Coffee & Donuts
Our parish family gathers after both Sunday Masses in the parish hall to enjoy coffee, pastries, and good company. If you are interested in serving, cleaning, and counting donations, please contact us!
For more information, contact Michele Heiztmann at (253) 851-8850.
As Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound, we take our baptismal call to care for the sick very seriously. We strive to provide comprehensive ministry to the sick, the homebound, and their families during their time of need. Helping the homebound feel that they continue to be part of the Body of Christ and that they remain in communion with us is an important part of our ministry.
St. Nicholas Parish Office
(253) 851-8850
knights of columbus
St. Nicholas Knights of Columbus Council #9238 is a fraternal organization for men aged 18+ dedicated to serving the needs of our parish and school community.
Dave Thomas
(253) 313-6664
our lady of the visitation guild
The Visitation Guild is a ladies' organization committed to friendship, support, and service. We host fundraisers, host social events, and set up, serve, and clean up funeral receptions.
Our annual Spring Luncheon and Card Party raise money to support outreach programs including St. Vincent de Paul, Religious Education for children, St. Nicholas School and Youth Ministry.
Meetings are held 3rd Wednesday of every month, September - May, following the 9:00 AM mass.
Dianne Irwin (206) 612-2107
The Project Rachel ministry supports any woman, regardless of faith, who has had an abortion. This ministry provides women with a variety of resources, including publications, web sites, and support groups. Project Rachel offers a faith-based way to work through their experience.
The group gives men and women someone to talk with about the healing process. In an atmosphere of acceptance, care, and compassion, this ministry offers hope and forgiveness.
The St. Nicholas Respect Life Guild seeks to uphold the sanctity of each human life from conception to natural death.
Some of our activities include praying a monthly Pro-Life Rosary on the first Sunday of the month, witnessing at Planned Parenthood every Tuesday, participating in the "40 Days for Life Campaign," manning booths at local fairs, and inviting pro-life speakers to our parish.
We also offer scholarships to couples taking Natural Family Planning classes and support Care-Net.
Barbara Patterson
(253) 857-5209
The Finance Council consists of a group of laypersons who advise the Pastor and Pastoral Administrator regarding stewardship of parish financial resources.
For more information, contact the parish office at (253) 851-8850.
The responsibilities of the School Commission, in cooperation with the Pastor and Principal, include:
Recommending a mission statement for the school grounded in Catholic faith tradition
Recommending policy
Setting long range goals for the school
Developing means to finance the school (including tuition structures, financial development and fund-raising)
Promoting communication and public relations
Evaluating the school’s goals and plans
Parish Council
The Parish Council serves as an consultative body to the Pastor. The purpose of the council is to examine, consider, and draw conclusions concerning matters under discussion in order to recommend a course of action to the pastor. Through pastoral planning, the council assists the pastor in…
Devekioing the living out if the mission of the parish;
Forming community as a sign and witness of unity for the larger parish community;
Providing recommendations for parish priorities, directions, and polities;
Promoting communication and understanding among parish organizations and between the parish, the Archdiocese, and the universal Church.
If someone has a question for the council or something that they would like to recommend the council bring forward for discussion they should email:
Current Members: Caitlin Sullivan, Gabe Morris, Jaye Sullivan (Chair), Patrick Van Oordt, Jesus Valles, Mary Balmer, Michael Bidus, Shae Ryalls (Secretary)
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”