O God, source of strength and courage, you gave your beloved preacher, Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, the conviction of faith to the very end. Grace us with the ability to translate your teaching into action, remain patient amid hardship, serve the poor and those who suffer, and live as your true and faithful servants. Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, pray for us.
Lord, you worked miracles of healing and comfort at the hands of St. Nicholas: hear all who cry to you in distress, in sickness and in every danger of soul and body, and save them in your mercy.
Almighty God, your glory shone upon the Church through the holiness and miracles of St. Nicholas of Tolentino. In answer to his prayers, keep your holy people in peace and unity. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Lord, God of holiness and light. You do not allow any shadow of darkness or evil in your sight, and so in your mercy you grant to those who have left this world burdened with sin, a time of purification, applying to them the spiritual treasurers of your holy Church. Hear my prayer and through the merits of Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the saints, and all your faithful people, bring to an end this time of waiting for our beloved dead, especially_______________________. In your providence, you have chosen Saint Nicholas of Tolentino as a special intercessor on behalf of the departed. Hear also his fervent prayer for those whom I recommend to you through his intercession. Amen.
When St. Nicholas was very ill, it is related in the account of his life that the Blessed Virgin appeared to him in a vision and told him to procure a little bread and eat it moistened with water, and he would be cured. The saint did so and he was instantly restored to health. From this story, the blessed bread of St. Nicholas had its origin. During the life of St. Nicholas he too dipped bread in water to cure the sick to various illnesses. In faith, we ask for Saint Nicholas’ intercession for our illnesses and those of our loved ones.
(by Bishop, and Priest, Deacon only) Lord Jesus Christ, you multiplied the loaves to feed a hungry throng. We ask you to bless + this bread. May it become spiritual nourishment for those who eat it, in honor of St. Nicholas of Tolentino, and be beneficial to the health of all who place their trust in you, you who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
St. Basil the Great (ca. 330 - 379)
Steer the ship of my life, Lord, to your quiet harbor, where I can be safe from the storms of sin and conflict. Show me the course I should take. Renew in me the gift of discernment, so that I can see the right direction in which I should go. And give me the strength and the courage to choose the right course, even when the sea is rough and the waves are high, knowing that through enduring hardship and anger in your name we will find comfort and peace. Amen.